Your donations matter
Your financial donation allows us to continue showing officers and their families that they have a community that appreciates and supports them. Donations are used to fund events and retreats, and allow us to provide tangible items (such as gift bags, gift baskets, catered meals) to the officers in the Central PA area.
Checks can be made out to Upholding the Line and sent to:
PO Box 139, Fredericksburg, PA.
If you would like your donation to be used to sponsor an event,
a couple or an individual please put that on the memo line.
Scroll down to learn more about our partnership opportunities!
Thank you in advance of your support for us and your
Law Enforcement Community.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Sponsor a Law Enforcement Officer ($200) or a couple ($350) so they can attend the retreat for free.
Monthly Donor:
Your monthly donation will help us to plan and execute the many events and activities we would love to make happen!
Mailing Address
PO Box 139
Fredericksburg, PA 17026